Gusto & Grace Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1

gusto & grace journal Jan 01, 2021

A monthly letter from the desk of Sarah Fejfar

Hey there!

Happy 2021! I hope this note finds you and your loved ones happy and healthy.

As my family and I made a list of our 2020 wins on New Year’s Eve, our reflections revealed so many ways the year happened FOR us. The hard things were things I needed to see or experience or work through to level up and grow.

But before moving full speed ahead into 2021, let’s get dialed in in December, shall we?  What did you learn about yourself or your business in December?

Here’s what I learned:

  •  I have two new favorite words: pre-supposition and future pacing. They sound so fancy! My challenge for you this month is: to weave more of these two words into your everyday life, both business and personal.  Because everything is a marketing conversation, right?  Whether you’re selling someone a ticket to your virtual event or selling a loved one on a particular way to spend the weekend, it’s marketing.  And if we can agree on that, then pre-supposition and future pacing can be added everywhere! Like this: when you purchase a ticket to our virtual event you’ll learn… that’s pre-supposition … OR imagine yourself entering our general session room the first day of the event, from the comfort of your home office, with the click of a button, without having to get on a plane or Lyft or eat takeout alone in a hotel room…. that’s future pacing.

  •  Working on a project a little bit at a time, works! I completed a project on December 14th that I’d been wanting to complete for several months but had put off over and over again because I thought it should be done in one big chunk of time.  I got it done in just 30 minutes a day starting December 1st.

  •  Recognize when I’m ready for more, more often: there were a couple of times during December when I have felt the awareness that I was ready for more and took action.  Once was when I noticed I was ready for the next level of depth in daily journaling, and the other was when I noticed I was ready to pick up an Audible book after a month’s hiatus.

Now, what are you trying to accomplish in January?

Here are three of my goals:

  •  Keep my curriculum top of mind: Sometime in September I stopped writing my curriculum down and referencing it every day.  In reflecting on what fuels my progress (and progress brings me joy,) it’s being crystal clear on what my educational goals are, every day.  So, in January, I’m writing my curriculum down every morning (both business and professional) so that when I have “spare time,” I know exactly what to be watching or listening to.  None of this randomness, falling into the trap of listening to a podcast that someone is promoting or watching a webinar that sounds interesting.  There’s so much time each day, whether it’s on my Peloton bike or driving or making dinner, and I need to use it wisely.  And in case you’re curious, on my professional list this month, it’s a course on Instagram, and on my personal list it’s the Audible book Loving What Is by Byron Katie (so good.)

  •  Refresh My Live Event Academy™ Sales Page: I’m re-launching my flagship course, Live Event Academy, with added training to address the nuances of Virtual Events, so it’s time to refresh the sales page to reflect the added value.  Back in November, I took a course on sales page copywriting and design (which was epic.)  I noticed that in December I was dragging my feet on implementing what I learned because I was nervous that I wouldn’t do it right.  Well, I decided to nip that in the bud and got myself an accountability partner, someone who is also working on a full refresh of a long-form sales page.  So, in January, we’re working together every weekday for 30 minutes on our sales pages! #progress

  •  Prioritization with SWAT team precision: I’m learning that a key to progress is also prioritization, and I am putting a strong focus on getting better at that this month. 

I hope this note finds you celebratory over your 2020 wins and excited for the gift of 2021.

And there you have it, my January update for you.  Just thought I’d share and keep in contact.

Let’s go, 2021!


Sarah Fejfar
Founder of Live Event Academy™
Coaching | Consulting | Courses
www.sarahfejfar.com | @sarahfejfar
Subscribe to The Greenroom Central Podcast here.


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You’re about to transform your thinking about virtual events dramatically…

By accepting this challenge, you'll be saying yes to starting fresh and reinventing the way you think about virtual events in your business so that you can create new levels of connection and transformation for your community PLUS new levels of impact and growth for your business.

Here's what you'll be learning:

Day 1 – Make It Profitable
Get more clear (and confident!) about your irresistible offer using a formula proven to get results so that you not only make a difference, but a profit too.

Day 2 – Make It Known
Learn tactics the world’s most successful online business owners are using so that you can overcome your fear of sales and marketing and fill your event.

Day 3 – Make It Actionable
Discover how to turn your topic into actionable curriculum so that your guests walk away feeling energized, empowered and committed to transformation.

Day 4 – Make It Engaging
Master proven virtual engagement strategies so that your guests steer clear of distractions, and stay actively learning your awesome content!

Day 5 – Make It Happen
Develop competency in the simple tools you need so that you can share your message and keep technology overwhelm from holding you back.

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