Gusto & Grace Journal, Volume 2, Issue 11

gusto & grace journal Nov 01, 2021

A monthly letter from the desk of Sarah Fejfar

Hey there

As silly as it sounds, October 2021 will go down as the month I *didnā€™t* get COVID.  After 19 months of doing our best to live our lives and avoid getting sick, Cliff came home from a week-long guyā€™s trip to Moab, UT with COVID, even with his two Pfizer COVID vaccine shots.  We kept him isolated in one bedroom of our house for 12 days and managed to keep my kiddo and me from getting sick. #winning

While I spent more time than expected brushing up on my hospitality and nursing skills, our family did manage to get in a few adventures in #pacificwonderland in October.

My favorite adventure, hands down, was last night, trick or treating in our neighborhood for the first time since the pandemic hit.  Thereā€™s just something about people feeling good, together, that makes me smile: the shared experience of meeting neighbors, kids racing around with huge grins, and friends gathered around campfires in driveways. I love it.

And now weā€™re in Novemberā€¦ the home of my favorite holiday: Thanksgiving. Bring. It. On!

What did you learn last month?

Hereā€™s a recap of my biggest learnings from October:

  1. Podcasting: I learned how to launch a podcast from John Lee Dumas (of EO Fire) and Kate Erickson (of Kateā€™s Take.) It was a highlight of my month to learn from these outstanding mentors. I loved their attention to detail, excellence, and processes.

  2. Why Do Hard Things: I listened to this episode of Impact Theory by Tom Bileu.  He talked with James Iron Cowboy Lawrence (who completed 100 Iron Man length triathlons in 100 days this Spring.)  They talked about why doing incremental hard things prepares us for future hard things.  Itā€™s worth a listen.

  3. I Need a North Star: I sidelined my daily journaling and meditating processes for much of October due to a busy schedule and by the end, I was feeling the effects, almost as if I lost my North Star.  Those two healthy habits are back in the game for November!

What are you working on this month?

Hereā€™s what Iā€™m focused on:

  1. Networking: Iā€™m continuing my focus on networking.  Maintaining relationships feels good.

  2. Starting a Peer Mastermind: One of the books I read a couple of times this summer was John Lee Dumasā€™ The Common Path to Uncommon Success.  He mentioned the importance of starting a peer mastermind, so Iā€™m starting one this month!

  3. Launching a Podcast: Years ago, was the best time for me to start consistently creating content and growing an audience, but the next best time is now. So, Iā€™m working on launching an interview-based podcast before the end of the year.

And there you have it, my November update for you.  Just thought Iā€™d share and keep in contact.

I hope this note finds you, and your loved ones happy and healthy.

Make it an outstanding November and a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Warm Regards,

Iā€™m glad we had the opportunity to connect and work together on the SMS event in September.

One of my favorite mentors once told me to do a better job of staying in touch with awesome people we serendipitously meet and care about.  This is my valiant attempt at doing just so. šŸ˜Š  Expect to hear from me each month.  I hope it brings you value and inspiration.

Sarah Fejfar
Founder of Live Event Academyā„¢
Coaching | Consulting | Courses
www.sarahfejfar.com | @sarahfejfar
Subscribe to The Greenroom Central Podcast here.


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