It's Not Everyone's Fantasy

sarah's blog Aug 19, 2021

Ever sat at another influencer's event and been like, "this isn't me."

Or maybe you've sat in a bunch of influencers' events and you've said that every time.

They aren't speaking to you, yet, you're still feeling called to put on your own.

It’s not everyone’s fantasy to put on an event in front of hundreds in a hotel ballroom.

I get it. That’s totally cool. And here’s what I say to that:

DO THE WORK of figuring out what the live experience of YOUR BRAND would look like.

And then you do you.

Simple as that.

So what does that look like? The whole figuring out what the live experience of YOUR BRAND looks like?

I'm so glad you asked. πŸ˜‚β€¨β€¨

I like to call it R&D. Research and Development. Subscribe to other influencers' email lists.  Follow influencers who are putting on events on socials. Go to influencers' events.  Heck, go to non-influencer events. Lots of them.

Maybe the light bulb moment for YOUR BRAND's live event will come from going to a gallery opening or on a group hike led by your local nature conservancy, or maybe at your kiddo's friend's birthday party. Who knows.

All I ask is you put yourself out there, experiencing other "experiences" with an eye and ear and nose towards finding YOUR thing.

Sound like a plan?

Will you spend some time this next week casting a vision for what YOUR thing could look like?

Awesome. I knew you and I was both go-getters.

Make it an outstanding day.


Sarah :)


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Day 1 – Make It Profitable
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Day 2 – Make It Known
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Day 3 – Make It Actionable
Discover how to turn your topic into actionable curriculum so that your guests walk away feeling energized, empowered and committed to transformation.

Day 4 – Make It Engaging
Master proven virtual engagement strategies so that your guests steer clear of distractions, and stay actively learning your awesome content!

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