Sarah Fejfar 0:00
These strategies work, and they're working right now in 2022, with online business owners just like you. So I want you to be open and consider using some of these. And definitely find the stack that fits for you and your business. Know that marketing your event is a marathon and not a sprint. And you're definitely gonna have to leverage that concept we talked today about, which is just stacking up excuses to get in front of your community and share about your event.
Sarah Fejfar 0:36
Inquiring minds want to know, how are entrepreneurs like us daring bravely to build a stage ditch the sweat pants, and step up to the mic? How do we create our own transformative events? So we can get our message out into the world in a bigger way if it's not only profitable, but it's actually something we can be proud of? That's the question. And the answers are inside this podcast. My name is Sarah Fejfar. Welcome to greenroom Central.
Sarah Fejfar 1:10
Hey, it's Sarah, I have an invitation for you right now. You can join entrepreneurs from across the globe who share a passion for hosting their own events become part of the community that inspires and cheers you on over at greenroom
Sarah Fejfar 1:26
But Sarah, what could my event marketing even look like? I'm glad you asked. I've got you covered. Today, I'm going to take some time to cover some tactics with you. In fact, we're gonna go through 10 of them. And we're gonna go through fairly quickly. So I want you to grab a notebook and a pen, because we're diving in right now.
Sarah Fejfar 1:47
So the first one, you're not going to like it. And I don't want you to send hate mail. In order to create a perfect prospective guest pool for your event, you're going to need to add tons of value to your community all year long. When you do that, when it comes time to announce your event and invite them to attend. They'll say yes, they'll know you and they'll want to spend time with you. It's as simple as that. All right. Now let's move on to number two, you've got number one, right, you wrote down, I need to add value. And I need to do it all year round.
Sarah Fejfar 2:22
Okay, the next one, is I want you to make an awesome registration website for your event. So this is this is a sales page. And I'd love it to be long form just like you would for any other membership, or course or online digital product that you're selling. I want you to follow that traditional long form sales letter format. And for extra credit, you can create a second sales page that's video based. So essentially, you take your long form sales page, and content, and then you put it in a video format you talk. And then you'll have two different sales pages to run potential guests to so you can switch up where you send them big just because everyone takes in information in this in different ways. But you'd also combine them and just use one. But it's kind of fun to do a little, little AV testing right and switch up but people are looking at makes them think it's fresh and new. Alright, so we've got number one, add value number two, create a really outstanding registration site.
Sarah Fejfar 3:31
The third one is create a promotional video, I am a huge fan of video inside of events. And they have their place in the promotional aspect of events as well. And so I'd love for you to create one that's about two to three minutes in length. You can post it to all the all the socials in advance of the event link to it. I think you include shots of us speaking in front of groups, even if you've never hosted your own event before you can bring a camera crew along to the speaking engagements that you have. That will be come exceptionally good fodder for B roll inside of your promotional video for your next event. So include that also include B roll of you doing your thing, whatever you whatever your thing is, whatever you teach, include footage of you doing that and no it doesn't have to be in in an event setting. It could be in a one on one setting, small group setting. It's social proof that you're awesome. And so I think that you can also include the role of the destination city. So you can go to the destination City's tourism bureau and ask them if they have footage that you can use. Typically it's available and free and Outstanding because they want to entice people to come to their city. So that's a great asset for you to add as well. In definitely remember to create a call to action at the end with the link to register and ensure that URL is easy to remember, if you have to create a vanity URL and redirect it to your sales page. I say do it. Because the more that easy it is to remember, the more likely they are to go to that page and consume what you've put there. Okay, so once you've completed that full length two to three minute video, I want you to chop it up into 15 second and 30 second and One minute snippets that you can then put into your social media, into stories into reels into carousels. You name it. All right, that was number three, create a promotional video. And one last tip before we move on market what they want, not what they need. Okay, so let's do more of hey, are you interested in a getaway? Are you interested in a girl's trip and sipping wine in a cool place? Focus on imagery, and words that describe kind of those superfluous kind of fringe aspects of your event? Yes, it is. Let's, for example, say it's a personal professional or personal development event, and you're going to teach, and it's exactly what they need to hear. But let's, let's focus that promotional video on the stuff that they want.
Sarah Fejfar 6:53
Okay. Let's move on to number four, regularly drip out pieces of your event agenda. So I think it's really important to never ever, ever share your agenda with specific days and times. I never want you sharing exactly what you're doing at this hour and this hour and this hour. And here's the order we're doing it. But I do want you to share bits and pieces. Because doing that allows your guests to kind of put themselves imagine themselves in that chair, in that place, learning that thing. And it gets them excited. And it gives you a lot of great excuses to get in front of your community. With brand new hot off the press information about the event just we're looking for excuses. Really good ones, that we can just keep stacking excuses to talk about your event. And it's important that you just keep talking and you don't stop until it's filled. Because that's how it's done. And so you dripping out different pieces of your agenda accomplishes this in a really great, easy way.
Sarah Fejfar 8:18
Now let's move on to number five. I want you to consider doing a live stream on your social media platform of choice with each guest speaker for your upcoming event. Now the key here is I want you to have them initiate the live stream and bring you on as the guest. You'll gain way more exposure to their audience when you do it this way. Excited about this already? Are you the juices starting to flow? Are you I'm getting I'm guessing that me just giving you five ideas already has gotten your brainstorming engine fired up and excited about the possibilities that you're gonna go to share with your team, brainstorm together and come up with stuff that works for you and for your brand.
Sarah Fejfar 9:12
Hey, I don't want you to miss out. Did you know that this conversation always continues inside the linchpin nation community. It's a free modern discussion forum exclusively for greenroom central listeners that will have a profound impact on the way you look at events in your business. Get answers to your biggest questions here behind the scenes nuggets from event leaders and get access to helpful templates, guides and checklists. As you start and scale events in your business. Be part of the daily discussion with entrepreneurs just like you, you can join for free over at greenroom I'll see you inside.
Sarah Fejfar 9:52
Alright, let's move on to number six. I want you to offer tiers of pricing to create rolling scarcity. So what do I mean by that? Well, I, once you, let's just make it super simple to, to offer four tiers of pricing, pricing that increases four times during the window of time that tickets are available for sale. So let's say you start six months out selling tickets, we'll start with the lowest price and call it early bird pricing, and then increase from there. Super simple. But every time that you have the announcement of a new price tier, it's another excuse to get in front of your community with new information. Every time it's almost closing that price steer, you have another excuse to get in front of your community with new information. Do you see how this works, we're just stacking these reasons, they're really great reasons to get in front of your community and talk about the event. Okay. And because all of these reasons that we're stacking are so different from each other, like talking about a new exercise class that you've added to the morning of one event, versus, hey, earlybird pricing is closing, those are two totally different things. They're gonna catch people's attention in totally different ways. But they're all excuses to send people to that sales page, and get more registrants.
Sarah Fejfar 11:19
Now, number seven, is creating a podcast episode about why you personally love going to events. If you're not a podcaster, this could be a blog posts, or this could be a YouTube video, the modality doesn't really matter. What matters is I want you to extract why you personally love going to events. This just helps build that know love trust with your community. But it also helps form in their mind why they might want to go to your event. And include in that video specifics, like I love to go because I always make a commitment to myself that I'm going to find five people that I have never met before. And I'm going to initiate a conversation and see where it goes. Or I always love to go to events because I write a ton of notes. And then on the airplane home, I consolidate those notes into a single page that I take into my office next business day. And put those tasks into Asana because they are going to happen like those are the ideas that are right for my business right now. And they're going to help me reach the next level. And so they become tasks that I share with my team. And we go make happen. And because I go to these events, because I take those copious notes. And because I distill the information, and because I turn it into an actual plan, that's why my business has gotten to where it is, or that's why my health is gotten to where it is you you frame it so that it fits within the confines of you and your brand. But I think you can follow me here on how that become an exceptionally good asset. That's not only good for this event, but for the next one and the next one and the next one that you do, it's really becomes a beautiful, rich, Evergreen piece that you can use over and over again. Alright, so that was number seven.
Sarah Fejfar 13:38
Number eight, is run ads on social media. So simple, right. But I think sometimes we forget the stuff that got us to where we're at in our business today is also probably the thing that can get us to the next place as well. I love for you to run ads, and do some research and and have to ahead of time have your team go and research influencers that are running ads to events, to gather inspiration, definitely have them, you know, go for example, in a viewer into Facebook ads, go into that page transparency section and and view the ads that they're running in their ad library. And I've always found that to be exceptionally enlightening. If, if another online business owner is running ads to their event, it's probably working. And so let's go see what types of ads they're running, what type of copy they're using, what type of imagery and use it to inspire you,
Sarah Fejfar 14:41
and then use those ads to do number nine, which is run a webinar, so run ads to a webinar and yes, I know that webinars happen to run in every corner of the internet every day of the year. are. And yet, I still want you to run one for your event because they work. And that's why they've been going on and on for years, because they work. So also use one for your event. Okay?
Sarah Fejfar 15:16
Now, number 10, is I want you to give tickets away. And before you say, Sarah, that's absolutely crazy, that's never going to happen. Here's what I want you to do, I want you to consider what would happen if you had your flagship product. And with that flagship product, and every sale of that product, you gave away, a free ticket, or perhaps two free tickets for them and a friend to come to your event. And then you just simply ask something like a $97 registration fee, in order for them to redeem their ticket and attend. And the really cool thing is, when you start doing this, and you track it, over time, you will see a repeatable pattern of which percentage of free tickets are redeemed, and then, and then when they're redeemed. And then you can start counting on event registrations, knowing when they're going to come in knowing how many are going to come in. And you don't, it also helps you determine it takes the guesswork out of determining your room size for your event for your venue. It also ensures that you don't have folks waiting until the last minute to buy their event tickets, which can be so emotionally draining for the business owner, I want you to consider doing that. Because especially if you are making an offer at this event, because your conversion rates will tell you how valuable it is to have that additional seat filled. So if you know you can fill X number by adding them bundling them in as a bonus to your flagship offer, then I say do it. All right, we just we just made time and got through 10 really exceptional ideas for filling your next event, whether it's virtual or in person, these strategies work. And they're working right now in 2022, with online business owners just like you. So I want you to be open and consider using some of these. And definitely find the stack that fits for you and your business. Know that marketing your event is a marathon and not a sprint. And you're definitely going to have to leverage that concept. We talked today about just stacking up excuses to get in front of your community and share about your event. And hopefully, you've got 10 new ones in front of you that you can put into practice as you start to fill your next event.
Sarah Fejfar 18:15
Thank you for listening to the greenroom central podcast. If you love this episode, then please take a screenshot on your phone and post it to Instagram and be sure to tag at therapy. And let me know why you liked it and what you'd like to hear or who you'd like to hear from in the future. And that'll help me know what to create.
Sarah Fejfar 18:35
Also, I know you just got 10 solid gold nuggets of advice. I'm filling your events for me today, but you'd like a few more 107 To be exact, then head over to filling Right now I want to help you quickly master event marketing and fill your events. Even if you've never done it before, I've scoured the online business world and found 107 of my favorite strategies working right now. To fill your next virtual or in person event. I want you to create the event promotional plan that you need from these easy to implement customizable strategies at filling events.
Sarah Fejfar 19:17
Now, in case you're curious, this podcast is built on Kajabi I'm loving how easy it's been to get these set up. But more so I'm thrilled that my entire business is run within one platform, in my emails to my pages to My Courses and now to my podcast. It's all under one. If you love simplicity and scalability as much as I do, then go to greenroom. To get a free 14 day trial.
Sarah Fejfar 19:49
I appreciate your commitment to leveling up and learning the mindset and strategy of life. And keep going keep learning. If you want more or head over to green room For show notes and all the links from today's episode