Sarah Fejfar 0:00
Like I usually know exactly what to do and what order I'm going to do it and how long it's going to take. And now I'm all just like, discombobulated. Have you ever had that feeling? It's so weird. It just started my morning off in just the craziest vibe. And I bring that up, because I do not want you to drastically change your routine prior to your event. And I also do not want you to change your routine during your event. And you're gonna say, Sarah, but that's like, impossible. There's all these extra demands on my time. I'll push back on that and say, with proper planning, you can fit in the stuff that makes you feel like you and gets your mind right and your body tight. All the things that you need.
Sarah Fejfar 0:57
How are entrepreneurs like us during bravely to build a stage? Ditch the sweat pants, and step up to the mic? How do we create our own transformative events? So we can get our message out into the world in a bigger way, is not only profitable, but it's actually something we can be proud of. That's the question. And the answers are inside this podcast. My name is Sarah Fejfar. Welcome to greenroom Central.
Sarah Fejfar 1:26
So during your event is never the time to change your morning routine. In fact, I would argue that the two months before your event is not the time to change your morning routine. And I know based on the title of this episode, you might have been thinking that I'm gonna chat about what's happening within your morning routine. But that's not the case. I'm certain that you got this far in your entrepreneurial journey, because you've dialed in your routines. And I'm guessing that you have something that is working really, really well for you right now. And that is one of the factors that has contributed to the success that you have enjoyed thus far. And so I want to talk about how we carry that into an event season and into the days of your event itself. That's what's happening today on the podcast. You know, your morning routine grounds you it sets up boundaries, it helps us feel safe.
Sarah Fejfar 2:32
So this morning, this is why I wanted to record this episode for you. So this morning, my morning routine got all changed up. I have a colonoscopy next week. I know you're like too much information. Yeah. And so starting today, I can't have any seeds. And my morning routine consists of having the same smoothie every single day. Spinach, blueberries, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, banana, I throw it all in a blender with some water, and it tastes like I'm drinking the front line. Oh, and some What is it MCT oil. I think it tastes like I'm drinking the front lawn. But it's really good for me. And I know how I'm going to feel afterwards and how long I'm going to feel full. And so this morning, when I am faced with a weight I can't I can't put blueberries in there. I can't put like all of those seeds, chia and hemp and flax that I would normally put in there. And I'm like, I don't want to just drink spinach and a banana. That seems weird. So I did plan ahead and got protein powder.
Sarah Fejfar 3:47
But it felt a little unsettled like well, maybe I'm going to need more than just this then I had a bowl of cereal. I don't ever have cereal. It's i It's not even my favorite thing. And so I'm feeling a little awkward. It's taking me longer to complete this whole process. Because I'm like, I usually know exactly what I'm gonna do in what order I'm going to do it and how long it's going to take and now I'm all just like, discombobulated. Have you ever had that feeling? It's so weird. It just started my morning off in just the craziest vibe. And I bring that up because
Sarah Fejfar 4:27
I do not want you to drastically change your routine prior to your event. And I also do not want you to change your routine during your event. And you're gonna say Sarah, but that's like impossible. There's all these extra demands on my time. I'll push back on that and say, with proper planning, you can fit in the stuff that makes you feel like you and gets your mind right and Your body tight, all the things that you need. But it takes planning and it takes way more planning than it would normally take for your regular day or week. And so what do I mean by that? What I want you to do is I want you to plan ahead in great detail on how your morning routine and even your evening or midday routine, whatever is sacred to you. How is that going to fit into your event schedule. Okay.
Sarah Fejfar 5:31
And I don't want you to glaze over this topic and think that this is important, it's very, very important. And you spending some time with your assistant and your team now, to figure this out will help smooth the road so much more, when it comes down to your event going off as you wanted it to go off, while you feel the way you wanted to feel. during that event. I want you to I want you to plan in great detail your self care to. So not only the routine, which probably includes some self care pieces, but any other self care pieces throughout the day. So I want you to decide what you will eat, when you will eat it. I do not want your assistant coming up to you in the middle of a rehearsal in the morning asking you Hey, what do you feel like for lunch?
Sarah Fejfar 6:30
That is not a decision that you should be making.
Sarah Fejfar 6:35
At that moment, or even that day, or during that week. It's not, that is not your task, your task is being firmly grounded in the present, doing your rehearsal it's presenting, it's interacting with your guests, it is not deciding what and when you're going to eat. I know this is gonna sound so silly. But years ago, when I was doing a lot of event planning, I would order room service for breakfast and have it delivered to my room in advance of going down for the day. And so super early, like, you know, let's say like five in the morning, I would have breakfast delivered, I normally don't eat that early, I normally, and there would be a full breakfast buffet waiting downstairs and I would not choose to eat that I would choose to eat my room. And here's why I would want the peace and quiet, I would want to know that I was going to eat. And I was going to want to choose what I was going to eat.
Sarah Fejfar 7:52
I knew because I tested this. I just don't want you to have to test this. I knew that as soon as I left my room, that there was going to be so many demands on my time. And my ability to make decisions that it would not happen, I would put myself. Second, third, fourth, fifth last. And so I wouldn't eat and then it would get to the end of the day. And I still wouldn't have eaten. And so I knew that I had to put myself first and I had ordered room service and I had to eat that food before I left the room. It's I don't know what it's going to be for you. That might not be it. But you're going to need to figure this out. Because you cannot serve as your at your highest and best if you are angry, right. Okay, the next thing I want to talk about is
Sarah Fejfar 8:56
how back to that conversation we just had about decision making the decision of what to eat and when to eat. And it's not that's not your task that day. That goes back to that whole conversation we had around decision fatigue last week in Episode 28 When we talked about sleep and events. So go back and listen to that. If you haven't heard it yet, because I want to make sure that you understand that all these choices, these, all of these things that you're doing to set yourself up for success is going to help your sleep too.
Sarah Fejfar 9:30
But back to self care I want you to do I want you to choose clothes. I want you to have decided what outfit you're gonna wear on what day and I want you to know if it's iron and if it's not, who's going to iron it. And I want you to set out your clothes for the next day. And if that day you know that you're going to come back up to your room and change before going down to dinner. Then have that outfit laid out too and I'm not someone who's a fashionista by any stretch of the imagination. But during an event, I will always pre select my clothes, I will always lay them out, I will always have them ironed the day before. And so I want you to just, I want you to make those decisions in advance, it's going to help you so much, you're gonna be so grateful that this isn't something that you need to worry about, does not have to be on your task list on the day of your event.
Sarah Fejfar 10:41
This morning, another thing that is totally thrown off my day, is that we're having the craziest weather in Portland this week, like on Monday, it was, like 100 degrees. And today, it's maybe like 60. And so I went from, like my normal routine of I always wear the same pair of black pants and the same T shirt very Steve Jobs to now being like, Well wait is today going to be shorts are like whether Do I need a sweatshirt or a t shirt. And so because I'm even thrown off because my normal routine of what I put on has gotten all changed up today. So I want to I want to underline this point for you.
Sarah Fejfar 11:30
Because when it gets to your event, the the impact of you getting thrown off a little will exponentially. Like the impact will be exponentially larger. Do you follow? I hope you can see how these dots connect during like the pressure cooker that is running your event. So I hope all of this was helpful today. If you have questions, I want you to pop them into the free community linchpin nation, you can join over at greenroom Or even just shoot me a DM over on Instagram. I'm always available to answer your questions. But I hope that today's conversation at least started you thinking about self care about your routines about how it is vital that you keep your routines during your event so that it does not throw you off. It's just not. It's not a factor that we should introduce into the game during your event. And I think you can see that. And I think that this will make for a great conversation with your team of how and what and when you can do things to set you up for even more success during an event flying by the seat of your pants. It just it doesn't allow you to be as when you do when you get all this stuff dialed in and you stick to your regular routines during an event. It allows you to be so much more like play from a position of proactivity instead of reactivity. And that is solid gold.
Sarah Fejfar 13:38
I am cheering you on from Portland here on your next event for your first event. Be sure to send questions my way either in linchpin nation or in my DM, DMS and Instagram, and make it an outstanding rest of the week. Take care.
Sarah Fejfar 13:59
Thank you for listening to the greenroom central podcast. If you love this episode, then please take a screenshot on your phone and post it to Instagram and be sure to tag at Sarah Fejfar. And let me know why you liked it and what you'd like to hear or who you'd like to hear from in the future that will help me know what to create for you.
Sarah Fejfar 14:17
Also, if it's on your heart to host your first or next event in 2022 or 2023 and you need a jumpstart. Let's connect for a strategy session. Just go to Grand in a two hour intensive private session. I can help you pivot scale or start your event vision from scratch. Together we will build an actionable plan so that you feel confident and clear on your next steps. Go to green room right now to sign up.
Sarah Fejfar 14:49
Now in case you're curious, this podcast is built on Kajabi I am loving how easy it is to get things set up. But I'm all So bobbing that my entire business is run on Kajabi within one platform, from my emails to my pages to My Courses and now to my podcast, it's all under one roof. If you love simplicity and scalability as much as I do, then go to premium to get a free 14 day trial from Kajabi
Sarah Fejfar 15:20
I appreciate your commitment to leveling up and learning the mindset and strategy of live events. Keep going, keep learning if you want more, head over to Greenham For show notes and all the links from today's episode