Sarah Fejfar 0:00
It may be a totally boring, obnoxious topic. But this is the thing that ensures that you get what you want that the event dream that you have in your head comes to life just as you pictured it. It's run a show.
Sarah Fejfar 0:16
How are entrepreneurs like us daring bravely to build a stage? Ditch the sweat pants and step up to the mic? How do we create our own transformative offense? So we can get our message out into the world in a bigger way. It's not only profitable, but it's actually something we can be proud of. That's the question. And the answers are inside this podcast. My name is Sarah Fejfar. Welcome to greenroom Central.
Sarah Fejfar 0:44
So if you're doing an event, and you've hired a technical team, production team or AV team to support you, then this show is for you today, listen up. Because when you have a run of show, created that is super detailed, you get what you want, you get the event that you'd been dreaming about.
Sarah Fejfar 1:09
And so today, we're going to talk about run of shows and what they are and why you need one.
Sarah Fejfar 1:14
And it may be a totally boring, obnoxious topic. But this is the thing that ensures that you get what you want, that the event dream that you have in your head comes to life just as you'd pictured it, it's not a show.
Sarah Fejfar 1:33
And so this is probably a little known document. Before you started hosting events, you might not have known this even exists. But in most every environment where there is a show happening, there is a run of show and the runner show becomes this super detailed account of what's happening on and off stage. And who is doing what? And so why do you even need to know about this while you have this vision in your head of when you want the music to play and what song song you want them to play and what part of the song that you want to walk on the stage to and when you want journaling music to happen.
Sarah Fejfar 2:23
And when you want your slides up. And when you want your slides off screen. And when you want to be on camera when you're in a virtual event setting and when you want them to not be able to see you. And when you want shot to the audience who you want to be able to be miked up, all of the things, all of those little tiny, teeny, seemingly insignificant details are so very important. So that the team that you hire, to support you, from a technical standpoint, can execute what you have in mind. And so what I want you to know is that, yes, you can create the run of show, but you're really not the best person, most knowledgeable, most equipped to do. So you really should put that job on your production company, and do them the service of sitting with them to create it.
Sarah Fejfar 3:38
So co creating what in an ideal world would happen is that before the event, usually a couple of weeks in advance, you're going to sit down with your lead from your production company. And they're going to ask you so many questions, things that you think at this point are like, Why should I even be worried about this? Like, where do you want to put the clicker? And how much water to add on stage? And what do you want to be drinking from?
Sarah Fejfar 4:10
And who's refilling it? And when do you want the livestream to start for your virtual event guests? And what do you want them to hear while they're waiting? And what do you want them to see? while they're waiting? All these all the things? And so what I'd love for to happen is for you to really nudged your production company to sit with you a couple weeks out from the event and ask you all the questions they can think of because they know better than you what those questions are of like, okay, well, from an audio standpoint, from a lighting standpoint, from a visual standpoint, like let's talk about how you're going to cue that video. What do you exactly are you going to say?
Sarah Fejfar 4:55
They're going to start cueing you with all those questions. What I want you to come prepared with is the A list best that you can come up with, of what your desires are, what are your wit, what are you wishing for. It might be, hey, I love this particular song. And I love this moment in this song and I want to walk onstage to that. Or when I'm, you know, when the virtual event is starting, this is the song that I want to play. Or, hey, we're thinking that we would really love the first hour of the event, streamed live to our Facebook group, and over to our YouTube channel, and to a page on our website. Those are all important details, as much as you can think of make that list and bring the schedule of what you think is going to happen and when. And then your production company can bring the expertise of knowing the questions to ask you to kind of pull even more detail out of you. And bonus points, like you can get a cookie, an extra cookie at dinner, if you also have a rough draft of your, your slide decks available for that meeting. So that together you guys can go through those slides. And and find the moments where you're like, oh, wait, I forgot on this slide. We're going to want to call for that video. And Oh, yep, the video is going to be titled this and I've got it in this dropbox folder for you to go grab that level of conversation. While it may be so annoying to you a couple of weeks out from the event because you have a bajillion other things that you're worried about, is going to serve you so so well when it comes time for the event. Because then the team that you hired the team that you're investing so much money into, in order to make the show, go turn, you know, make the lights on and make the streams work, all of the things that they will be able to do to execute that vision that you've got in your head. So take the time to do this. I can't tell I'm on a soapbox today. But I can't underscore enough how important this meeting is, with your AV team tech team production team, whoever is supporting your event, because, gosh, these aren't the questions that you're going to be wanting to answer the day of your event. It's going to stress you out, it's going to stress your technical team out. And I'd rather you'd be worrying about other stuff. Like just dialing in the minutia at that point I want I want there to be just extra time, I want you to feel spacious. On the day of your rehearsal on the day of your event. I don't want you to feel this sense of constriction and chest tightening and anxiety and perhaps even tears because you're like, gosh, I didn't realize that all of the things that are in my head did not get out and documented and put into a format so that things can go smoothly today. That's what I want for you. I want things to be smooth, smooth, feel smooth and specious. All right.
Sarah Fejfar 9:02
I hope this was helpful today. If it brought up questions, would you do me a favor of dropping them into my DMs and Instagram or into the free community linchpin nation, you can get access over at 3pm and I can get you some answers. I would love to be able to do that for you. I wish you an absolutely outstanding week. Make it a super fun one.
Sarah Fejfar 9:31
Thank you for listening to this episode of the greenroom central podcast. If you love this episode, then please take a screenshot on your phone and post it to Instagram and be sure to tag at Sarah Fejfar. And let me know why you liked it and what you'd like to hear or you'd like to hear from in the future. They'll help know what to create for you.
Sarah Fejfar 9:51
Also, I've been hearing a lot of business owners saying people are tired of virtual events. And that's just not true. Which is why I created the brain A new five day challenge called the virtual event lab. I want to show you how to make your next virtual event profitable, engaging, and most importantly, how to make it happen. And the best part is this five day challenge is absolutely free to register right now simply visit greenroom And we can get started today.
Sarah Fejfar 10:22
In case you're curious, this podcast is built on Kajabi. I've loved how easy it was to get things set up, but more so I'm thrilled that my entire business is run within one platform, from my emails to my pages, to my courses, and now my podcast, it's all under one roof. I love the simplicity and the scalability. If you do to then go to greenroom, and get a free 14 day trial from Kajabi.
Sarah Fejfar 10:51
I appreciate your commitment to leveling up and learning the mindset and strategy of live events. Keep going. Keep learning if you want more, head over to greenroom For show notes and all the links in today's episode