Sarah Fejfar 0:00
events are this place where we can go and try on a new identity where we can. Workshop, the thing that's been making us feel stuck and out of momentum. And how magical that opportunity is for our guests.
Sarah Fejfar 0:31
And we, as the hosts get to give that experience to the our entrepreneurs like us daring bravely to build a stage, ditch the sweat pants, and step up to the mic. How do we create our own transformative events? So we can get our message out into the world in a bigger way. It's not only profitable, but it's actually something we can be proud of.
Sarah Fejfar 0:58
That's the question. And the answers are inside this podcast. My name is Sarah Fejfar. Welcome to Green Room Central.
Sarah Fejfar 1:06
Recently, we went into flagship Apple store to buy an Apple Watch. And we chose a flagship store because we wanted to make sure that we walked out with an Apple watch that day, our we were traveling, and we needed it. Need, I'm using that term in like a first world sense, right? We needed it before going on our next leg of the journey. Where it would not be possible to there would not be a store, an Apple Store, anywhere for miles and miles. Okay.
Sarah Fejfar 1:49
And we had a tight timeframe, like probably less than 24 hours to make this purchase. So we we selected that store purposefully. There's plenty of other Apple stores in the major metro that we were in. And we go in and we try on all options and figure out which one we're going to buy. And they go in the back and come back and say we do not have it. And we're just hugely bummed and a little bit frustrated.
Sarah Fejfar 2:28
Again, total first world problem, right? Because the problem that we needed solved is we have a limited amount of time before we leave this town or going somewhere that where we cannot go and buy the thing. We want it. We want this particular thing, like this combination. And we weren't able to solve our problem, we had to walk out empty headed now, they did help us, they found it at a different store in town.
Sarah Fejfar 3:05
And we were able to go the next morning and pick it up. And so we it was a happy ending silver lining, right. But I think about I think about going to stores like that. Like it's rare for us to go to a physical store anymore these days, because so much is available online. But sometimes we have this desire to like touch and feel and experience the thing before we buy it.
Sarah Fejfar 3:45
And so in order to get that experience, we have to go into a brick and mortar store in order to experience what we want. And I think about how that compares to events. So, so many of us have purchased an online course, right? We're part of a membership. And it can only go so far in terms of solving our problems by ourselves. And we have these big dreams for where we want to take our businesses and it's so crystal clear what the outcome is.
Sarah Fejfar 4:34
But we're back here stuck. Still trying to figure out what like the very next step is so that we can like knock down the next dominoes. We can get like one step closer to the dream that we are going after. And I think of I think of that, I think of how events Are this beautiful place where we can go and try it on the Apple Watch. Events are this place where we can go and try on a new identity where we can work shop, the thing that's been making us feel stuck and out of momentum. And how magical that opportunity is for our guests.
Sarah Fejfar 5:38
And we, as the hosts get to give that experience to them. And so as we think about designing our events, what I want you to hold on to is, number one, you're in the business of solving problems, you are in the business of solving problems. People want outcomes. And our event. Our event marking we've talked about this needs to be very outcome based needs to be explaining what problem is going to be solved by them coming to the event.
Sarah Fejfar 6:28
And so the tool that I would give you today is no, no your community know what problem they need solved. And so it's going to look a little different based on the size of your community that's going to be attending this event. If it's a small mastermind, perhaps you're able to have one on one conversations with each of the guests to really pinpoint what are they struggling with right now? What do they need to solve for?
Sarah Fejfar 7:05
And how can our mastermind event be the answer? Is it an expert speaker that I could go and connect with and invest in to come and speak and teach at our event? Or perhaps the community that's coming to this event is much larger? You're putting on a bigger conference? Maybe there's hundreds, or even 1000s of people attending? And so then, obviously, it's not a scalable model to talk one on one with everybody.
Sarah Fejfar 7:47
But could you or your team put together a survey people love to support what they create? Right? So could you invite them to co create the event? And send out a survey asking what the biggest problem is that they're trying to solve for in their business right now? And I would love for you to put a freeform text field there. And yes, I know that makes it so much more challenging to review the results.
Sarah Fejfar 8:25
But that is Marketing Gold right there. Absolutely Marketing Gold when you're able to have the exact words and phrases they use to describe what they're feeling and trying to solve for and what outcome they're looking for. So if you can have that on a survey, and then have someone on your team categorize them, and be able to come up with buckets, like oh, it really feels like we need to bring in an expert teacher on paid traffic.
Sarah Fejfar 9:02
Specifically in YouTube right now. That's what we need. Or we need to bring in someone who is cutting edge teaching what's working on tick tock right now or how to get started on tick tock right now. So I think that's, that's step one, to making dreams come true. through the vehicle of your event is knowing your community, what problem problems are they trying to solve for right now?
Sarah Fejfar 9:38
And then that'll help you number to figure out what experts you need to bring in to teach what you need to teach, where you need to plug in your team to come and teach. what exercises you need. I have them do at the event. Perhaps it's because I love, I love thinking about it like this thinking, Okay, what, during our event could we workshop, could we have them do or set up so that they are that much closer to the outcome they're looking at looking for when they get home, remember, or event.
Sarah Fejfar 10:36
Think about like walking into that Apple Store, wanting to walk out with a watch, right, wanting the experience in the middle of trying on different bands, different watch faces, seeing the different colors, touching them. Having that experience, and then walking out with what we want.
Sarah Fejfar 11:01
So when what that looks like in an event is people starting with that problem, coming to your event, wanting to have an experience of a new identity of the person who solves that problem, giving them the tools, letting them workshop, maybe you're giving them tools, checklists, connections, maybe it's teaching them how to network within the bounds of your events, that they're able to meet the person make the connection to the person who can help them solve their problem.
Sarah Fejfar 11:48
But think about it. Think about how maybe you could leverage small group breakouts or Zoom breakouts if you're virtual, to have them, say what they need help with. And use that small group is a mastermind. That group thing to help help solve, there's lots of different tools that you can have in that you have available to you in your your tool bag already, when you're in those larger settings, or even the smaller masterminds to help get people a little bit closer to solving for what they need to solve for within the container of your event.
Sarah Fejfar 12:38
So I want to leave you there today, you will make dreams come through for your guests when you first know what they're struggling with. And to figure out how within the container of your event you can help them try on the identity of the of a person who solves problems like that. And get them one step closer, maybe two or three even to solving for that with in the bounds of your event. You totally got this. Make it an outstanding rest of the week. Thanks for hanging out today. Take care. Thank you for listening to the greenroom central podcast.
Sarah Fejfar 13:29
If you love this episode, then please take a screenshot on your phone. Was it to Instagram and be sure to tag at Sarah Fejfar and let me know what you like to do, why you liked it or who you'd like to hear in the future that'll help you know what to create for you. If right now you're thinking, Sarah, yes, that event is happening. But here's the thing. I have a sizable team who can help me make this happen. But we need someone to teach us how.
Sarah Fejfar 14:00
And go to greenroof To book a private workshop, you'll get a customized today virtual workshop for your team. During the workshop, everyone will learn a repeatable framework that can be used to start or scale events in your business. It will then create a roadmap as a team so that everyone leaves the workshop with a shared vision for how to move forward with confidence.
Sarah Fejfar 14:29
This podcast is built on Kajabi I loved how easy it was to get things set up. But more so I'm thrilled that my entire business is run within one platform, from my emails to my pages to my courses, and my podcast to it's all under one roof. If you love simplicity and scalability as much as I do, then go to green room to get a free 14 day trial.
Sarah Fejfar 14:54
And I appreciate your commitment to leveling up in learning the mindset construct He of it. Keep going, keep learning. If you want more, head over to greener For shownotes and all the links for today's episode