Sarah Fejfar 0:00
You don't have to know how you're going to find a ballroom friendly steer named Oreo. But you just have to be okay with allowing that vision to play out of you riding in on that steer so that you write it on the note in your phone. And then we'll figure out later how to make it happen. Right?
Sarah Fejfar 0:16
How are entrepreneurs like us daring bravely to build a stage? Ditch the sweat pants and step up to the mic? How do we create our own transformative events? So we can get our message out into the world in a bigger way. It's not only profitable, but it's actually something we can be proud of.
Sarah Fejfar 0:36
That's the question. And the answers are inside this podcast. My name is Sarah Fejfar. Welcome to greenroom Central.
Sarah Fejfar 0:44
Wouldn't it be cool if you had a vision board for your dream event, one that you could refer to every single day as a way of helping ground you in your vision and drive you forward towards that goal help you manifest right. Today, I'm going to teach you how and how to do it the right way. I'm not new to making vision boards. But I am new to the right way to make a vision board. A couple years ago, I made a board I got a big piece of foam board. I remember having it on the floor, cutting out a bunch of stuff, gluing it down, figuring out that it was so big that I didn't have anywhere to put it. So I've started in the closet. What good is it gonna do in the closet, I would peek at it every once in a while throughout the year.
Sarah Fejfar 1:34
But at the end of the year, I looked at it and I realized that I didn't get most of what was on that board. And we're gonna unpack why. But it was one thing on there I got and it was perfectly to the tee, I had made the board with very generalistic thoughts about what I wanted. But I knew that I wanted adventure for my family that year. And so what I did was I cut up a bunch of pictures of places around the Pacific Northwest that we hadn't yet gone to or that we liked. And I pasted them all over the board in the gaps in between other things that I had thrown on there.
Sarah Fejfar 2:14
And one in particular was a specific view of Mount Rainier, where there was a metal that I am so smitten for flowers and a metal on mountains. And I had found a picture of a meadow and a mountain stream. I absolutely love mountain streams, I could stick sit by them all day super calming for me. So a metal flowers and a mountain stream with Mount Rainier towering in the background, I looked at the picture on the vision board. And then I went to my camera roll and I picked out the exact photo, we had been in that exact spot that year and taken a family photo, my jaw dropped, I couldn't believe how close it was.
Sarah Fejfar 3:01
And when I think back to that vision board, because that particular image was so specific, it was a place I actually wanted to go to a very specific spot. And I was definitely driven to make that particular thing happen. It is interesting that I got it looking at that vision board. And then taking the training that I recently took on vision boards, it makes sense to me now why of all of the random stuff that I put on that vision board when I got that thing. And so that is my long winded way of telling you that there is a right way and a wrong way to make a vision board.
Sarah Fejfar 3:40
And I'm going to help share with you how you can use the right way of making a vision board to help you manifest your dream event. This is going to be so cool. Recently, I listened to a training by Rob and Kim Murgatroyd. They have this couple's vision board course you need to go by it. I'll link it up in the show notes. It's amazing. But what I learned in there is we need to be super specific about what we want and the vision board needs to be specific to what we want. And so I'm going to give you the three steps to creating that type of specific vision board so that we can use it to manifest our dream event and we talked at length remember back in episode 54 on manifesting your dream event we talked about the manifestation process.
Sarah Fejfar 4:33
So I want you to go back and listen to that episode. After we get done today with the vision board exercise I want you to go back and listen to the manifestation episode because these two dovetail really nicely together. Here's the three steps that we're going to take to create your vision board for your dream event. It starts with keeping a running list of what you like and don't like when you're at other people's events or when US see other people's events. When you're scrolling on social media, we've talked about this before, right? In order to come up with what you want.
Sarah Fejfar 5:08
It's super helpful to model what you've seen done before. What works for me is I on my phone, I keep a notepad and keep it specific to your dream event, then your phone is always with us, you could always be adding to this list and saying things like, I want to give away this piece of Spike. Oh, I want to have my yoga retreat in this location.
Sarah Fejfar 5:31
Oh, I want my guests to feel like X when they're in the room. Oh, I think the physical embodiment of my brand smells like this, or looks like this feels like this. All those things. Go back to that manifestation episode. Just keep a running list of when your head goes, Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we could do this like this examples of my my head right now? Wouldn't it be cool if we could ride in on a steer?
Sarah Fejfar 6:02
And do our event in Texas? Wouldn't it be cool if we could take our guests to a rodeo? Wouldn't it be cool if we could have custom fitted cowboy hats made for everybody before they go to that rodeo, like as an activity on the afternoon? So it's all crazy. But wouldn't it be cool if we could do a yoga retreat in Costa Rica and swim in a waterfall one afternoon, you're going to keep number one is you're going to keep a running list of things you like things you don't like for your dream event scenario. And I personally what works for me is to keep it on my phone in a notepad note, so that it's so easy for me to just constantly be adding to that list.
Sarah Fejfar 6:54
So that's number one. And that wouldn't it be cool a phrase I just got from that? Robin? Robin Kim Murgatroyd. It's training on vision boards. I love that phrase because it helps allow us to step into the vision without this heavy feeling commitment that we have to understand how it would possibly happen. You don't have to know how you're going to find a ballroom friendly steer named Oreo. But you just have to be okay with allowing that vision to play out of you riding in on that steer so that you write it on the note in your phone. And then we'll figure out later how to make it happen. Right?
Sarah Fejfar 7:36
So number one, you're keeping a list of those likes, dislikes. Wouldn't it be cool if the dream event scenario, that's one a one b is if there is a picture that you come across that personifies that feeling or place, or some piece of swag, I want you to save that image to so maybe, maybe you're saving that image in a Pinterest board. Or maybe you're also saving it into that note, okay, or maybe what I do is on my phone, in the photo album section, you can create albums. And if you take a screenshot of something, you can put it into an album and you can name that album, like dream event. And so it makes it really easy.
Sarah Fejfar 8:28
In the moment again, we're still just using that tool that's with us all the time of our phones, and capturing a vision of what our dream event looks feel sounds smells tastes like. So when a is keeping that list, I would recommend in your notepad on your phone, when B is capturing images of that exact place. That exact drink that you wanted to serve that exact sign signage that you thought was so cute, that exact outfit that you think you would feel so amazingly confident in on stage one a make the list one be capture the images, the specific images, we are not doing a vision board party where we're using other people's magazines, and we're not thinking at length ahead of time about what the vision might be.
Sarah Fejfar 9:24
We're getting very specific for perhaps even months about what our vision is capturing specific images in specific places or have specific things like what you're going to wear or what you're going to eat or what swag you're going to give away. Okay, or we're being specific. I think that's the magic. I think what I would underline and draw an arrow to is the word right? Is this whole concept of being specific with the images we're not just cutting stuff Out of a random Teen People Magazine.
Sarah Fejfar 10:04
Why did that one come to mind I don't know. House Beautiful is my, my, my ideal magazine or maybe Magnolia or something, Teen People, okay. But you're cutting out specific or screenshotting specific images, writing down specific things that we want to do or feel at our event, okay, it's the specificity, it's taking the time that we need. This isn't like a one day like on New Year's thing is creating this vision board, it's taking the time to really flush out this vision. And that's why it's going to take a month or two or three of you on your phone, adding to photo album adding to this note with all your ideas.
Sarah Fejfar 10:51
Okay, so now let's move on to number two, what I want you to do is get out a stack of index cards, that's my my preference, and some washi tape, or some sticky notes, I just think index cards are sturdier and lasts longer. So that that'd be my preference for you. And kind of put each of those ideas on its own card that you had in that that note on your phone, if you want to get all crafty, go just print all of those pictures and put them out and give them their own index card too.
Sarah Fejfar 11:24
So you kind of got like this big stack of index cards that applies that have all of the images and all of don't be precious, this is totally a working exercise draft form of the vision board. So get a stack of index cards that has all of those ideas, and all of those images that I want you to do is take a blank wall and stick them up in kind of the order very generally, that they would happen at the event. Okay, inside my event Academy, we teach this process of drafting your agenda. And this is just kind of more of the 10,000 foot view of that. And so it's okay, if it's just you're just kind of organizing those index cards in a line on the floor.
Sarah Fejfar 12:10
And it's okay, if you decide you want to do it on the wall and stick them up there with some tape, whatever works for you to kind of get it into an order of how what happened, and you don't have to be precious about it. And if it helps, you can even, I'm visual. So that's how I would like it to be. But if you want you can even write this as if it's a story and about the event, you kind of like narrating what you know, if it was an episode of TV like what, how would how it would go, you can write it down, if that's helpful for you to have words to go with it.
Sarah Fejfar 12:48
And so you've got your words, and you've got kind of the line of images. And I want you at this point to fill in any gaps major gaps where you need an image. And so perhaps that means that you've got to go do some Googling of that city where you want to host the event, or that venue where you want to host the event, or that type of swag or decorations for the stage. Whatever it is, maybe right now you have to go do some Googling and kind of find images that represent the gaps so that you can get a really clear dream line, if you will, at that point is when it's time to go make it into a board.
Sarah Fejfar 13:39
And the reason why this works is because we've taken all this time to think to really think about what we want it to be how we want it to feel what we want to do with our guests. Maybe it's even what we want to teach and found images that reflect that specific time during the event when that would happen, things that are so specific, because that's the stuff that your brain can latch on to and go be like, Okay, we gotta go make this happen. I think that's why I ended up on Mount Rainier.
Sarah Fejfar 14:18
Taking a hike in the exact location, I had no idea this was the case where that picture on my vision board been taken, and ended up standing next to that exact mountain stream. And feel like meadow of flowers on the mountainside is when our brain when it's so specific, and it's it's exactly what we want. It's easier for our brain to help us go get it. So you're going to take and make a board but you're not going to Don't.
Sarah Fejfar 14:49
Don't go like cutting and pasting and gluing and scissors and stuff. Like take those images and go into Canva or Have a designer on your team do this. And almost like think about Instagram and the feed back when they wanted us to post photos, and how beautiful some people's feeds looked, was just like those nice clean boxes. Off, think about kind of organizing your vision board in Canva into those, those squares, like a grid, as if you're making an Instagram grid of your event, or organize them in a linear fashion that like dream line order fashion that we talked about, and make it into a poster type thing on Canva, I'm printed out.
Sarah Fejfar 15:51
I make it so beautiful that it's almost like a piece of art. But it's a meaningful piece of art to you because you look at it. And it helps you tell the story to yourself every single day of that dream event. And then go have it printed somewhere at a print shop, maybe even have them, put it on heavy cardstock or laminate it so that you can hang it on the wall in a prominent place in your office where you will be journaling every morning and you can look at it or where you're working every day. And it's just something that you see on the wall next to you.
Sarah Fejfar 16:33
And you can look at it all the time. If you have a shared office with your team, this is even better, you can hang it in a collaborative space. Or maybe you print multiple copies and ship them to your team. So everyone can hang them in their office. And everyone's what is that the RAS reticular activating system can be activated to be like, understanding what the story is behind that version, like kind of the written stuff that you created, the written story you created and then having that visual imagery on the wall. And everyone can be integrating a routine into their lives of looking at the board reading the story, and getting little downloads from the universe on on the how to make it happen over time.
Sarah Fejfar 17:28
And I think when you do this process when you keep that list of likes and dislikes, and wouldn't it be cool laughs and those images. And then step two, you go and kind of make it into a dream event line, kind of linear fashion. And number three, you turn that into a really beautiful piece of art on a board and create a process to integrate telling that story and looking at that vision. integrate that into your as a habit into your daily work life. I know that you will make that dream event happen sooner than you could have ever imagined. I can't wait to see what you create.
Sarah Fejfar 18:22
When you do this, take a screenshot it posted Instagram and tag me so I can see it because that would be so fun to see what you're charging after so I can help cheer you on. Go make your dream event vision board. I am so glad you and I could hang out today. This is gonna be so fun. I love getting crafty. Alright, take care. Thank you for listening to the greenroom central podcast. If you love this episode, then please take a screenshot on your phone and post it to Instagram. And be sure to tag at Sarah Fejfar.
Sarah Fejfar 19:06
And let me know why you liked it and what you'd like to hear or who you'd like to hear from the feature that really helped me know what to create for you. Also, if it's on your heart to host your first or next event this year, and you need a jumpstart. Let's connect for a strategy session, just go to greenroom in a two hour intensive private session. I can help you pivot scale, or start your event vision from scratch. Together. We will build an action plan so that you feel confident and clear on your next steps. Go to greenroom right now to sign up.
Sarah Fejfar 19:45
This podcast is built on Kajabi. I loved how easy it was to get things set up but more so I'm thrilled that my entire business is run within one platform. From my emails to my pages to My Courses and my podcasts to It's all under one roof. If you love simplicity and scalability as much as I do, then go to greenroom. To get a free 14 day trial from Kajabi.
Sarah Fejfar 20:12
I appreciate your commitment to leveling up and learning the mindset and strategy of live events. Keep going, keep learning. If you want more, head over to green For show notes and all the links from today's episode.