Sarah Fejfar 0:00
It breaks my heart when people either stop themselves from putting on events or disappointed by the events that they put on because of a volume issue. And also, probably one of my biggest pet peeves, is people so distracted by the volume game that they're unable to focus on what really matters, which is creating the content and polishing the offer and all the things that are gonna drive the revenue from the event. In my mind, it's not worth all the work and the effort and the expense if it's not gonna bring you joy and also profit. How are entrepreneurs like us daring bravely to build a stage, ditch the sweatpants and step up to the mic. How do we create our own transformative events so we can get our message out into the world in a bigger way? It's not only profitable, but it's actually something we can be proud of.
That's the question, and the answers are inside this podcast. My name is Sarah fafer. Welcome to Greenroom Central.
Okay, for the next few months, this podcast can be a little different. I spoiler alert, am moving this summer, which is going to be so fun, and we're taking our sixth annual fafer family road trip, summer road trip. And so because of all that, I knew my life was going to be crazy. And so I decided not to do interviews for you this summer. But what I wanted was for you to still get a fresh hot now episode every single week. So I decided to look at my audible and my or my apple Notes app, which is where I take notes on every book that I've read and put together a book review series for you. And each week, I'm going to bring you a new book that I love and recommend, and hopefully you'll find something in here that you want to pick up. So without further ado, here's this week's book.
Okay, we're going to talk about volume. So I have a hunch that the majority of people who suffer with their events suffer because of volume, specifically low lead volume, and I think that holds people back, and sometimes I think it's just about trying a new strategy. So I wanted to dive into 100 million dollar leads by Alex formosy with you, because it's gonna open up your mind to other ways that you can boost your lead volume, and in turn, open up more opportunities and drive more profits, because at the end of the day, more leads means more options and a greater chance of success. I think, I think that's probably the biggest aha I've had on this entrepreneurial journey. Is the concept that lead volume is the door that opens nearly everything, because the more people, more prospects that we're talking to, the more chances we have of making sale. And I think the crux of most problems falls in the lead space.
So I wanted to talk about 100 million dollar leads, because, like 100 million dollar offers, which we've talked about last week by Alex tremozi, he does a fantastic job of breaking down the different ways that you can bring in leads you have not watched his it's like maybe 90 minutes or so. There's a YouTube video of his live launch of this book, and he he does it as a live virtual event. You can still watch the watch it on YouTube. And the cool thing is that he breaks down how he used, it's very meta, how he used, used each of the strategies in the book to drive leads to the virtual event, and what percentage of the leads of the people attending the event came from each strategy from the book, things like organic traffic, paid ads, affiliates.
So that is very cool, very meta. And I, I just, I. It breaks my heart when people put on either stop themselves from putting on events or disappointed by the events that they put on because of a volume issue. And also, probably one of my biggest pet peeves, is people so distracted by the volume game that they're unable to focus on what really matters, which is creating the content and polishing the offer and all the things that are going to drive the revenue from the event. And in my mind, it's not worth all the work and the effort and the expense if it's not going to bring you joy and also profit. So I feel like this is this is something everybody's got to get nailed. So there's the way the book's broken down, is it?
It goes through each channel of lead generation, like email marketing and social media and affiliates, and kind of how how to think about each of those, and then how Alex is using those In his business. And one of the one of the biggest ahas I had in the book is the role of agencies and lead generation in Alexis business, and how he has this process of identifying the top agency in, let's say, YouTube growth, for example, and hiring them, but in under slightly different terms than normal, where the terms are like, do the thing, but we're going to watch you, and we want you to show us what you're doing, and then we're going to also start doing it too, and when we're as good as or better than you like we being like the in house team, then your time with us will be done. And so basically, using each agency as a way to, you know, as you pay, but you're paying for best in class, training and coaching for your own in house team.
So I thought that was so cool, and how he and he really dives deep into his process of learning from agencies and eventually bringing those tasks in house for better control and efficiency. And that's pretty cool. I think that's worth buying the book in and of itself. Also he has conversation in there about measurement and analytics, and then just Yeah, his thoughts on each channel. So it's it's really, really, really, really, really valuable website. Optimize your website for lead capture, creating lead magnets, measuring, adapting, yeah, social proof, all kinds of really, really awesome, awesome, awesome stuff. So I would, I just think you have to have it. I I think you have to read it. Because, just like traffic secrets for Russell Brunson, I've read several times this same thing, this one like, it's just, it's something you have to know, because everyone needs lead volume if you're building a business.
So go grab a copy of $100 million leads if you want like the the teaser, go on the youtube I'll drop that link into the into the show notes here. Watch the the 90 minute. I think that's how long it is. YouTube on live event. From the live virtual event, talking about the book. He also does a great offer, which is a great example of the book we talked about last week, the 100 billion dollar offers. And he practices that offer so much, and it's so polished when he hits the stage, it's so pro team. It's worth it's worth watching, and know that he put in the work, and that's why it's amazing. So yeah, go grab a copy next week, when we hang out, we are to talk about a really sweet book called passion to purpose by Amy McLaren, and this falls into the category of really crafting the life that you love, and how to do that with intentionality, instead of just going through. Emotions. I think you're gonna enjoy this one. I will meet you back here, same time, same place, next week with that book. I wish you an absolutely outstanding rest of the week. Take care.
Thank you for hanging out with me here. Thank you for listening to the green room central podcast. If you loved this episode, then please take a screenshot on your phone and post it to Instagram and be sure to tag at Sarah fejfar and let me know why you liked it and what you'd like to hear or who you'd like to hear from in the future. That'll help me know what to create for you. The number one thing I'm asked by CEOs whether it's their first event or their 20th is Sarah, how do I get more butts in seats? And so I put together a guide for you.
Head over to filling for your free copy of 107 ways to fill your event. I want to help you quickly master event marketing and fill your events even if you've never done it before, I've scoured the online business world and found 107 of my favorite strategies working right now to fill your next in person or virtual event, create the event promotion plan you need from these easy to implement, customizable strategies for free [email protected] I appreciate your commitment to leveling up and learning the mindset and strategy of live events. Keep going, keep learning. If you want more, head over to For Show Notes and all the Links from today's episode.
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