Sarah Fejfar 0:00
There's this quote in the book, wouldn't my children benefit more from a mother who was living her best life than someone who gave up on things that brought her joy and fulfillment? She uses that as a descriptor of why she still chases after doing her charity work on a charity that oversees from where they live in Canada and it's building schools in Africa, and why she continues to do adventure travel trips with girlfriends, and it's kind of all about balancing life buckets, honoring what you need in each of those buckets, and then taking the steps towards making them happen.
How are entrepreneurs like us daring bravely to build a stage, ditch the sweatpants and step up to the mic. How do we create our own transformative events so we can get our message out into the world in a bigger way that's not only profitable, but it's actually something we can be proud of.
That's the question, and the answers are inside this podcast. My name is Sarah fafer. Welcome to Green Room Central.
Okay, for the next few months, this podcast can be a little different. I spoiler alert, am moving this summer, which is going to be so fun. And we're taking our sixth annual fafer family road trip, summer road trip. And so because of all that, I knew my life was going to be crazy, and so I decided not to do interviews for you this summer. But what I wanted was for you to still get a fresh hot now episode every single week. So I decided to look at my audible and my or my apple Notes app, which is where I take notes on every book that I've read and put together a book review series for you. And each week, I'm going to bring you a new book that I love and recommend, and hopefully you'll find something in here that you want to pick up.
So without further ado, here's this week's book. Okay, this one's for you. If you've ever felt like you're going through the motions, you know what I mean? I want to dive into aligning dreams with purpose in this episode today, and how alignment on those two fronts can bring more joy, more fulfillment, not just for you, but for everyone around you. We're going to talk about the book, passion to purpose, by Amy McLaren. And I really loved this book. It is so sweet. It outlines. It shares Amy's story of how she started her charity building schools in Africa. But through sharing that story, she talks about how it really was kind of the embodiment of living out her passion, and along the way, she shares how to help uncover what yours is and take steps towards it.
I think it's, you know, I read this book and I remember, I remember one of the days that I was reading it, I instantly recall like it made me. It made me realize how much agency that we have in our day to day lives that we take for granted and don't like, grab life by the horns. And one of the things that like lights me up like no other is having fresh flowers in the house, and just puts a smile on my face thinking about that. I've got a really beautiful like pink splash orange rose on my desk right now that I'm looking at. It's so pretty, and it puts a smile on my face. And I was reading this book, and it's kind of winter ish time in Portland, I would bet, in the February time frame, and we have a flowering bush out front, and it has all these beautiful white flowers.
I had this aha, while I was reading the book on my morning walk with Max, because I'm the chief dog walker that I need to go and like immediately when I get home, cut a bunch of branches off of the bush, bring them inside, arrange them in a vase so I can look at them. And I did it, and it just put it. Did it put such a smile on my face. It brought me so much joy, and felt very. Be fulfilling to take a couple minutes dedicated to me and one of my passions. And I don't know if I've shared this with you, but I do have a very real dream of building a flower farm that is like I want it to say, is a charity. Sounds so silly, but I wanted to be a free flower farm where people can come and pick a bunch of flowers for themselves to brighten their home. But it comes with a caveat that you have to pay it forward.
So you have to pick two, you have to give one, and you can keep one and keep one for yourself, and give one to someone else, and that a dream of mine, of course, obviously having my own cutting garden as well. But I think what this book uncovers is kind of how to interweave your your different aspects of your life, work, family, personal interests, and how to how to live your best life in all of your buckets, and kind of honor All of your buckets, there's this quote in the book, wouldn't my children benefit more from a mother who was living her best life than someone who gave up on things that brought her joy and fulfillment? I think that's so beautiful.
She uses that as kind of a a descriptor of why she still chases after doing her charity work on a charity that oversees from where they live in Canada, and it's building schools in Africa, and why she continues to do adventure travel trips with girlfriends, and it's kind of all about balancing life buckets, like honoring what you need in each of those buckets and then taking the steps towards, towards making them happen. I think the other cool thing that is in there is like, kind of, like the bucket of, kind of marriage, and they do this, such a cool idea. This mom and dad staycation every year to plan out the year ahead. I think that's how it goes. And taking, taking a beat as a couple to away from home, then away from the kids, to in daily life and businesses, to just envision the year ahead and plan for it.
And oh, how cool. What a cool, very tangible idea that we can all implement. The other thing I wanted to share with you is that the there's there's this connection of, like, positive, positivity money mindset, that when you have both that positive and money mindset, it helps you pursue your passions With more kind of vigor. I would say. What else? Oh, she really highlights the messy middle of pursuing fashions, which is so cool, because I think think as as someone who's an entrepreneur and a mother, it's gonna be messy to also pursue something that lights me up right? Like, let's just take the flower farm for example. Like, it's not a now thing. And I know that I still can be, like, putting together the vision right now, while still moving towards it in the future.
And it talks about what, what pursuing your passions can look like in different seasons of your life. So that's kind of cool. Talks about how to overcome obstacles. I think sometimes our passions aren't our work, or they're both like or sometimes we have we're multi passionate, very like Marie Forleo, kind of concept, we are multi passionate. And so maybe they're not all embedded into your work, and they're outside of that. Like, for example, for me, it would be travel. And so maybe not all of my travel needs are being met by work. And so how am I going to honor that passion and bring it in to my maybe it's not daily life, maybe it's not even monthly. Maybe it's quarterly or biannually. Or what, what's it look like to be able to continue to feed that life bucket? What else talked about the messy middle, overcoming obstacles?
Yeah, I just think like, oh yeah. I want to share this part with you. So Amy shares a lot of personal stories and lessons that she learned along the way, and I that was super helpful, and it it helps, kind of meet some very like, I like to picture things it helps. Helped me picture how to how thing, like a principal that she was teaching, would get applied. And I it made me think about Mother's Day. I was last year we went to the beach, which always lights me up, but also my whole family and I just decided that that day, what would bring me the most joy would be.
As we drove home, we decided to just drive on the beach, and you can drive for miles and miles on this one beach, and I just had my husband stop every time I saw trash on the beach. I had this like, soft spot for like, keeping, like trail maintenance and like, keeping, kind of Mother Nature clean and tidy. And just because I'm an outdoors girl and I like it, I like it pretty and as nature, you know, intended and not like with random food wrappers, and that can happen on busy days at the beach. And so we just stopped, and I think I'm sure it took hours. We just drove, and I just picked up stuff, and it was like, so fun to leave the earth a little bit better than I found it.
And it didn't take much to honor what I felt like deep inside, like, oh, this would make bring me a lot of joy today to kind of feed my my passion to keep the outdoors in a no clean and tidy is right term when we're talking about nature. But yeah, I think it's, I think this is gonna be a useful book for you, if you've yeah, like I started going through the motions, if you felt like that was the thing and you want to you knew that you needed to do more things that brought you joy and kind of helped you honor that you're in charge of your happiness. Yeah, this is for you. This is for you. So go pick up passion to purpose by Amy McLaren, I did read this one on Audible. I know it's also in bookstores and on Amazon, so go grab a copy.
Next week is for now, going to be the last in the series of summer school shorts. Has a tongue twister for the summer of 24 so we are going to end with a bang, and we're going to talk about the book take the stairs by Rory Vaden. And I loved it, and I want to share it with you, so that if what I share with you speaks to you, you can pick it up as well. So that's next week. This week, if what I just shared with you speaks to you, go pick up a copy of Amy's book. I'll link it up in the show notes, and I'll see you next week, same time, same place, make it an outstanding rest of the day.
Thank you for listening to the green room central podcast. If you loved this episode, then please take a screenshot on your phone and post it to Instagram and be sure to tag at Sarah fejfar and let me know why you liked it and what you'd like to hear or who you'd like to hear from in the future. That'll help me know what to create for you. The number one thing I'm asked by CEOs, whether it's their first event or their 20th, is Sarah, how do I get more butts in seats? And so I put together a guide for you. Head over to filling for your free copy of 107 ways to fill your event. I want to help you quickly master event marketing and fill your events even if you've never done it before.
I've scoured the online business world and found 107 of my favorite strategies working right now to fill your next in person or virtual event create the event promotion plan you need from these easy to implement, customizable strategies for free [email protected] I appreciate your commitment to leveling up and learning the mindset and strategy of live events. Keep going, keep learning. If you want more, head over to for show notes and all the links from today's episode.
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